Beautiful cookies with white chocolate and coconut
Breakfast, Breads & Dough, Desserts

Cookies with White Chocolate and Coconut (Video)

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If you are looking for a recipe to make Cookies with White Chocolate and Coconut, you have found the recipe that will not only make you fall in love, but will make anyone who tries them fall in love. If you love white chocolate combined with coconut, this recipe is definitely for you.

Hand taking a cookie

Cookies with White Chocolate and Coconut inspired by Raffaello chocolates

A coffee or tea with something delicious? You are going to love these Cookies with White Chocolate and Coconut. The cookie dough is easy to make and delicious. The cookies as they are, are delicious but the coating is what gives the special touch. The cookie is covered in white chocolate and half coconut and half chocolate. When you bite into it you will find a surprise... it has a whole almond inside.

By following the steps you will see that these beautiful White Chocolate and Coconut Cookies are much easier to make than it seems. To demonstrate it to you I have made a video in which you can see the steps to follow.

With this recipe you can make about 17-18 cookies. You can easily double the quantities for more cookies. They keep very well so you can enjoy them for several days.

Ingredients you need to make these White Chocolate and Coconut Cookies

If you are ready to fill your house with the delicious smell of freshly baked cookies, get all the ingredients you need to make these White Chocolate and Coconut Cookies. The ingredients are detailed below:

Ingredients you need to make the cookies

  • All-purpose flour: you need 200 grams of all-purpose wheat flour (sifted) to make the cookie dough
  • Ground almonds: you need 30 grams of ground almonds
  • Egg yolk: you need one egg yolk
  • Powdered sugar: you need 50 grams of powdered sugar to sweeten the dough
  • Vanilla sugar: a bag of vanilla sugar (8 grams)
  • Baking powder: half a teaspoon of baking powder
  • Butter: I have used 125 grams of butter (it has to be at room temperature)
  • Salt: so that the cookies are not bland, use a pinch of salt
  • Raw peeled almonds: you need about 17-18 raw peeled almonds, these will be inside the cookie

Ingredients you need for the decoration

  • White chocolate: Ingredients you need for the decoration
  • Dark chocolate: use 50 grams of dark chocolate (or if you prefer, milk chocolate)
  • Grated coconut: you need 30 grams of grated coconut

How to make White Chocolate and Coconut Cookies

These White Chocolate and Coconut Cookies are easy to make. They require a little time because the cookies have to cool down before you can start decorating. First make half of the cookies with white chocolate and coconut, let it rest so that the chocolate dries. And then the other half will be made with white chocolate decorated with dark chocolate.

How to make the cookies

Preheat the oven to 170º.

In a bowl add the butter, egg yolk, powdered sugar, vanilla sugar and a pinch of salt. Mix with the hand mixer for about 3 minutes. With a spatula add the ground almonds and then the flour. There will come a point where you have to continue by hand until you get a united dough that does not stick to your hands.

Ball of cookie dough and raw peeled almonds

Divide the dough into pieces of about 25 grams and make balls. Then flatten the ball and put an almond in half. Close the dough around the almond and make an elongated shape. Repeat with each cookie and place them on a baking sheet.

Cookie dough with an almond

Flatten them slightly and bake them at 170º degrees for approximately 12 minutes. The top part should be light and the bottom part should look golden. Let them cool on a rack for about half an hour or until they are no longer hot.

Slightly flattened dough balls

How to decorate the cookies

Melt the white chocolate in the microwave or au Bain marie. Dip half of the cookie in the chocolate, you can help yourself with a spoon. Decorate half of the cookie with white chocolate with grated coconut and place it on a tray covered with aluminum foil. Repeat this process with all the cookies and let them rest so that the chocolate cools and the coconut sticks well. You can put the cookie tray in the refrigerator to make this process faster.

Cookies with coconut and white chocolate

Now you just need to decorate the other half. Dip it in the white chocolate and put it back on the aluminum foil. To decorate with dark chocolate, melt it in the microwave or in a bain-marie. Put it in a plastic bag and cut a very small piece at the tip so that the chocolate can come out. Make lines on the cookie with the dark chocolate and pass it with a toothpick to make a beautiful decoration. You can see how it's done in the video below. Let it cool in the refrigerator and store them in a tightly closed container outside the refrigerator (unless it is the middle of summer and the chocolate melts).

Plate with decorated cookies

Enjoy them and... Bismillah! 🙂

Video Recipe for Cookies with White Chocolate and Coconut

To make this recipe a little more visual and easy to follow, I have made a video on how to make these incredible cookies.

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  • This Apple Crumble Cake: a delicious sponge cake base, a warm apple filling with a touch of cinnamon and a perfectly crunchy crumble topping.

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Cookies with White Chocolate and Coconut (Video)

Cookies with White Chocolate and Coconut (Video)

Recipe by Oum Bilal

If you are looking for a recipe to make Cookies with White Chocolate and Coconut, you have found the recipe that will not only make you fall in love, but will make anyone who tries them fall in love. If you love white chocolate combined with coconut, this recipe is definitely for you.

Course: Sweets, cookiesCuisine: EuropeanDifficulty: Easy


Preparation time


Cooking time


Baking time


Total time


Cooking mode

Keep your device screen on


  • Ingredientes que necesitas para las galletas
  • 200 grams flour

  • 125 grams mantequilla (temperatura ambiente)

  • 50 grams powdered sugar

  • 30 grams almendra molida

  • 1 egg yolk

  • 1 bag vainilla sugar

  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder

  • una pinch salt

  • 18 almendras crudas peladas

  • Ingredientes que necesitas para decorar
  • 200 grams chocolate blanco

  • 50 grams dark chocolate

  • 30 grams coco rallado


  • How to make the cookies
  • Preheat the oven to 170º.
  • In a bowl add the butter, egg yolk, powdered sugar, vanilla sugar and a pinch of salt. Mix with the hand mixer for about 3 minutes. With a spatula add the ground almonds and then the flour. There will come a point where you have to continue by hand until you get a united dough that does not stick to your hands.
  • Divide la masa en trozos de unos 25 gramos y haz bolitas. Luego aplasta la bolita y pon una almendra en la mitad. Cierra la masa alrededor de la almendra y haz una forma alargada. Repite con cada galleta y ponlas sobre una bandeja de hornear. Aplástalas ligeramente y hornéalas a 170º grados durante unos 12 minutos aproximadamente. La parte de arriba tiene que quedar clarita y la parte de abajo se verá dorada. Déjalas enfriar sobre una rejilla aproximadamente media hora o hasta que ya no estén calientes.
  • How to decorate the cookies
  • Melt the white chocolate in the microwave or au Bain marie. Dip half of the cookie in the chocolate, you can help yourself with a spoon. Decorate half of the cookie with white chocolate with grated coconut and place it on a tray covered with aluminum foil. Repeat this process with all the cookies and let them rest so that the chocolate cools and the coconut sticks well. You can put the cookie tray in the refrigerator to make this process faster.
  • Now you just need to decorate the other half. Dip it in the white chocolate and put it back on the aluminum foil. To decorate with dark chocolate, melt it in the microwave or in a bain-marie. Put it in a plastic bag and cut a very small piece at the tip so that the chocolate can come out. Make lines on the cookie with the dark chocolate and pass it with a toothpick to make a beautiful decoration. You can see how it's done in the video below. Let it cool in the refrigerator and store them in a tightly closed container outside the refrigerator (unless it is the middle of summer and the chocolate melts).
  • Enjoy them and... Bismillah! 🙂

Video Recipe


  • Remember that each oven is different so baking time may vary.
  • Puedes hacer las galletas más pequeñas usando por ejemplo 20 gramos de masa en vez de 25. Así tendrás más galletas pequeñas.
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