Delicious Greek Salad
Salads, Main dishes

Greek Salad

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This Greek Salad is quick to prepare and has a dressing you'll love. This salad is very refreshing, so it's great during the hot summer months, but it's so delicious you'll want to make it all year long.

Delicious Greek Salad

Refreshing Greek Salad that will be a success

Many times, what I want most is a dish full of raw and fresh veggies. That's when I make this salad. This Greek Salad, is the salad that I like to eat the most during the summer months. It is loaded with fresh and crisp vegetables like tomatoes, cucumber, red onion, bell pepper, olives and feta cheese, and has one of my favorite dressings. It's so delicious and refreshing!

This salad is ideal for when you are tired of salads with lettuce. You can prepare it as a side for a barbecue night, with roast chicken or any meat, and you can even serve yourself a good dish and have it for a light dinner, you will be left with a happy and full belly. In just 10 minutes, you will have a Greek Salad that not only you will love, but your whole family will want to repeat.

Ingredients you need to prepare this delicious salad

Despite it being a Greek Salad, you don't need any rare ingredients to prepare it.

  • Tomatoes: You can use any type of tomatoes. I use cherry tomatoes because I love them for their sweet and crunchy touch. You need about 450 grams
  • Cucumber: use a peeled and seeded Spanish cucumber
  • Onion: this salad has red onion, it gives the salad a very good and slightly spicy flavor. If you don't like the onion to be very spicy or it upsets your stomach, put it in a bowl with cold water and salt for about 15 minutes so that the spiciness of the red onion is removed
  • Bell pepper: add some more crunch by adding bell pepper, the original Greek Salad recipe has green bell pepper. But I use red pepper because I love the sweetness that red pepper has. Use half of it if it's a large pepper, or I use a whole one if it's small
  • Olives: the original Greek recipe has kalamata olives, I use black olives because they are the ones I always have at home. Use 1/4 cup
  • Cheese: this salad is characterized by having feta cheese. You'll need 150 grams of feta cheese, you can crumble it or cut it into cubes
  • Greek Salad Dressing: of course, this salad is not a Greek salad without its delicious dressing, make here for the homemade dressing recipe
Homemade greek salad dressing

Kitchen utensils you need to make this recipe

Here's a little more information on what I've used to make this Greek Salad:

  • Cutting board
  • Knife
  • Salad bowl

How to make this salad

You only have to cut the vegetables into pieces, the feta cheese into cubes, prepare the dressing that you can prepare in 5 minutes or less and mix everything in a bowl.

Frequently asked questions

Below I answer some frequently asked questions, if you do not find the answer, you can leave a comment below.

Can I use a Greek Salad dressing bought at the store?

You could, but the taste will not be the same. I recommend that you prepare your own dressing, it won't take you more than 5 minutes to prepare it, and you probably have everything you need to prepare it at home. Click on the following link for the recipe for Greek Salad Dressing.

Can I add lettuce or other ingredients?

Lo bueno de cocinar, es que puedes dejarte llevar por tu creatividad en la cocina y darle toques personales a cualquier receta. Puedes añadir lechuga o cualquier otro ingrediente que te guste, al igual que puedes quitar algún ingrediente que no te guste.

¿Cuánto tiempo puedo guardar esta Ensalada Griega?

Puedes guardar esta Ensalada Griega en un envase herméticamente cerrado durante unos 3 días. Lo bueno de esta ensalada es que al no llevar lechuga, no se ablanda.

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Greek Salad

Greek Salad

Recipe by Oum Bilal

Una combinación de verduras frescas, aceitunas y queso feta bañadas en un delicioso aderezo casero.

Course: Ensalada, GuarniciónCuisine: Griega, MediterraneaDifficulty: Easy


Preparation time


Cooking mode

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  • 450 grams tomates cherry (o cualquier tomate que te guste)

  • 1 pepino español, pelado y sin semillas

  • 1/2 cebolla roja, cortada en finas tiras

  • 1/2 pimiento rojo grande (o 1 pimiento pequeño)

  • 1/4 cup aceitunas negra o kalamata

  • 150 grams queso feta, cortada en cubitos o desmenuzada

  • 1/8 cup aderezo de ensalada griega


  • Corta todas las verduras en trozos y añádelos a un bowl.
  • Añade el queso feta y las aceitunas, aliña la ensalada.
  • Mezcla bien y disfruta de esta deliciosa y refrescante ensalada.
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